Toolkit — Resources — MIT CoLab
Centering Equity in Long-Term Services and Supports
5-Year Report: Transformation in Moments of Disruptive Change
Mel King Community Fellowship: Leaders in NY Government Report
People Focused Research : Participatory Action Research in Canarsie, Flatlands, and Flatbush (2018)
People Focused Research: Creating Health in Brooklyn - Participatory Action Research in Crown Heights, Bedford-Stuyvesant, and East Flatbush (2017)
Proposed Health and Wealth Interventions in Brownsville and East New York (2016)
A Guide to Transformative Land Strategies: Lessons from the Field
INTERFAITH REPORT - Caring for today planning for tomorrow
PAR Lexicons
Participatory Action Research Maps
Personal Theory of Practice Curriculum
Development without Displacement Toolkit
Listening to the City Handbook
ToolkitLawrence Barriner IIAllegra Williams, Maggie Coblentz, Kenneth Bailey, Jessica Blickley, Douglas Burnham, Emily Cohen, Erik DeLuca, Katie Diamond, Rachel Falcone, Michelle Fine, Jocelyn Frank, Terra Graziani, Matt Green, Elisa Hamilton, Krista Harper, Dey Hernandez, Josie Holtzman, Aurie Hsu, Umi Hsu, W.F. Umi Hsu, Salvador Jiménez-Flores, Nathan John, Steve Kemper, Beau Kenyon, Isaac Kestenbaum, Jonas Kirkegaard, Lori Lobenstine, Stella Aguirre McGregor, Liz Ogbu, Anthony Peña, James Rojas, Katy Rubin, Catherine Sands, Katherine Shozawa, Jennifer Stoever, Brett Stoudt, María Elena Torre, Marc Weinblatt
Assessing Community Innovation Capacity in the Amazon Piedmont Region
Economic Democracy Training Series
ToolkitLawrence Barriner IIEsthefany Castillo, Breonne DeDecker, Nene Igietseme, Nick Iuviene, Liliam Knorr, Sandra Lobo, Allison Manuel, Katherine Mella, Yorman Nuñez, Nicole Salaza, Rachael Tanner, Maggie Tishman, Dara Yaskil
Research from the Periphery Toolkit
ToolkitLawrence Barriner IIAlison Coffey, Jenna Harvey, Asier Ansorena, Heitor Calixto, Luana Clarice, Alberto Crespo, Luiz Ernandes, Mateus Henrique, Jose Erberson Lino, Elias Lino
Pesquisa desde a Periferia
ToolkitLawrence Barriner IIAlison Coffey, Jenna Harvey, Asier Ansorena, Heitor Calixto, Luana Clarice, Alberto Crespo, Luiz Ernandes, Mateus Henrique, Jose Erberson Lino, Elias Lino
Mapping Innovative Experiences Methodology Guide