The Future Grows in Brooklyn: How the Fight to Save Interfaith Medical Center Launched a Movement for Wellness-Based Development (video replay)
Topic: The Future Grows in Brooklyn: How the Fight to Save Interfaith Medical Center Launched a Movement for Wellness-Based Development
Description: COVID-19 has claimed the lives of far too many, including thousands of New Yorkers--family members, neighbors, teachers, healthcare and transit workers, and many more. The Coalition to Transform Interfaith Medical Center was fighting long before the pandemic hit for precisely the things that would have saved so many lives: reliable healthcare, racial equity, wealth-building, essential services and stable housing.
Hear from the nurses, community leaders, healthcare innovators, union leaders, planners and elected officials who led the fight. Learn about their vision for the future and their strategy for wellness-based development--community wealth-creating activities that also advance good health and racial equity.
This event included a discussion of these topics, their implications for COVID recovery, and how this movement is modeling new frontiers of creativity and collaboration.
Time: Oct 15, 2020 10:30 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Opening remarks, NYS Attorney General, Tish James (minute 4:59)
Address by 1199 President, George Gresham (minute 13:28)
Overview of the process: CoLab staff person, Lawrence Haseley (minute 25.30)
Origins of the Interfaith struggle: Ms. Nedd, New York State Nurses Association (minute 31:58)
Community vision of health and wealth: Citizen Green, Co-chair, Coalition to Save and Transform Interfaith (minute 43:29)
Building community support for the hospital: Ms. Sharonnie Perry, interfaith Director of Community Relations (minute 53:59)
Community-labor partnership and legislative advocacy: Bruce Richard, co-chair, Coalition to Save and Transform Interfaith (minute 1:04:09)
Comments by Interfaith Hospital’s new CEO, LaRay Brown (minute 1:11:36)
Role of NYC Department of Health, Torian Easterling, Fmr Assist. Commissioner, NYCDOHMH and founder, Brownsville Neighborhood Health Action Center
Founding of Brooklyn Communities Collaborative, Sharie Suchoff, Vice President, Population Health Policy & Strategy at Maimonides Medical CenterMaimonedes Medical Center