Natalia Mosquera, IRD Strategic Partner
Natalia Mosquera led CoLab’s Inclusive Regional Development Program from 2019 to 2023. Natalia now serves as advisor in the Vice Ministry of Human Talent and Social Appropriation of Knowledge in Colombia. Natalia’s work includes oversite of knowledge and network co-creation processes in the Colombian Pacific and facilitation of the exchange between local initiatives and MIT CoLab. A social worker with a Masters in Urban Studies, she has worked in several areas of social research, specifically with Afro-Colombian and indigenous communities seeking to understand the complex formation of the Latin America region, from ethno-racial processes to building ideas and strategies for peace initiatives and territorial transformation. As a researcher, Natalia has engaged in the generation of frameworks that allow for analysis of the networks of activists in Afro-Colombian organizations, those who gained ethno-racial reforms around the multicultural and pluri-ethnic state through the constitution of 1991, looking through the connection between rural and urban process by a systemic-historical and local perspective.