Jeff Thigpen
How does your work current work relate to economic democracy?:
I'm the local elected official that tracks land records and real estate transactions in Guilford County NC. Register of Deeds offices were created to help determine who owns what, that people are who they say they are, and are essential to plainness and fairness in commerce. This goes to the heart of transparency in Democracy, Law, and Commerce. The records are "public"--for the people. In my current position I sued 32 banks and mortgage services for fraud along with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to reimburse county governments for unpaid filing fees in 2011. I testified in US Federal Court at the sentencing hearing of one of the only people to go to jail during financial crisis, Lorraine Brown, former president of DocX. I maintain connections to a network of bankruptcy and foreclosure defense attorneys. I have also engaged a number of issues involving race/racism, LGBT, and the need for immigration reform in US over the years. Previous work included the Business/Pulpit Forum Work Group during national boycott of KMart and Servant Leadership that worked with a number of faith practices and traditions. As former county commissioner, dealt with local economic development entities and worked with Uplift Inc in economically distressed areas. Author of On Point: The Voices and Values of the Young Elected Officials (YEO) Network. Grew up in rural North Carolina working on a farm. Wife Michelle is elementary school principal and have two children, Elle (13) and Aiden (9).